- animal tissues and cells (1)
- Bacteria (1)
- Blood (2)
- ccultured cells and animal tissues (1)
- Cells, Tissues (2)
- FFPE Tissue section (2)
- Forensic samples (blood stain, dried blood spot, hair follicle, semen, cigarette, chewing gum, nail) (1)
- Fresh plant cells or tissues (1)
- Fungi samples such as the yeast and filamentous fungi (1)
- Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria specimen. (1)
- PBS Suspension, 0.85% NaCl, Viral Transport Medium and Serum (1)
- Plant leaf, Beans, Root, Other Plant Tissue (1)
- Rice (grinding grain, cell lysis) (1)
- Rice seed, Wheat seed, Germ without milling (1)
- Serum (3)
- Serum and plasma (1)
- Serum, Fluid, PBS Suspension (1)
- Stool (1)
- Tissue (2)
- Whole Blood, Buffy Coat (3)
- Whole blood, Frozen blood or Buffy coat (1)
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Total Results: 51
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DNA Marker Low is useful for the determination of DNA fragments 50 bp to 1,000 bp in size. The DNA size marker consists of 10 double-stranded, blunt-end DNA fragments. The DNA bands close to each other, 550 bp and 500 bp, 120 bp and 100 bp, are for reference indicators. These DNA fragments were fixed amounts in the solution of DNA Marker Low, which makes it possible to estimate the amount of DNA. The DNA Marker Low is supplied in a ready-to-use mixture containing 8 mM EDTA, 8 % glycerol, 0.015 % bromphenol blue and 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH8.0).
PCR, Electrophoresis
Catalog #
DNA Marker High is useful for the determination of DNA fragments 300 bp to 10,000 bp in size. The DNA size marker consists of 13 double-stranded, blunt-end DNA fragments. The DNA bands close to each other, 525 bp and 500 bp, are for reference indicators. These DNA fragments were fixed amounts in the solution of DNA Marker High, which makes it possible to estimate the amount of DNA. The DNA Marker High is supplied in a ready-to-use mixture containing 8 mM EDTA, 8 % glycerol, 0.015 % bromphenol blue and 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH8.0).
PCR, Electrophoresis
Catalog #
6 X DNA loading Dye is useful for loading DNA samples into wells on agrarose gel electrophoresis. It contains EDTA, glycerol, bromphenol blue and 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH8.0).
PCR, Electrophoresis
Catalog #
E.coli harboring the plasmid encoding the gene of alkaline phosphatase from Shewanella sp. SIB1 (PAP).
Catalog #
Taq DNA polymerase catalyzes the 5'-3' synthesis of DNA. The enzyme has been proven not to have the 3'-5' exonuclease activity. The enzyme has proven to have a high amplification yield, and be stable at high temperatures.
Catalog #
HotTaq DNA polymerase catalyzes the 5'-3' synthesis of DNA. The enzyme has been proven not to have the 3' - 5'exonuclease activity. Before the first PCR step, the HotTaq DNA polymerase should be activated by 15 minute incubation at 95-97°C.
Catalog #
RedTaq DNA polymerase catalyzes the 5'-3' synthesis of DNA. The enzyme has been proven not to have the 3'-5' exonuclease activity. The enzyme has proven to have a high amplification yield, and be stable at high temperatures. The added inert dye will not have any interference with the reaction. Visual confirmation that the enzyme has been added and proper component mixing of the reaction has occurred. Samples can be loaded directly onto an agarose gel for electrophoresis with no loading dye addition.
Catalog #
LongTaq DNA polymerase catalyzes the 5'-3' synthesis of DNA. The enzyme has been proven not to have the 3'-5' exonuclease activity. The enzyme has proven to have a high amplification yield, and be stable at high temperatures.
Catalog #
In addition to 5'-3' DNA polymerase activity, it also possesses 3'-5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity. Pfu DNA Polymerase exhibits the lowest error rate of any thermostable DNA polymerase studied, and is even up to ten-fold more accurate than normal Taq DNA polymerase. Consequently, Pfu DNA Polymerase is useful for polymerization reactions requiring high-fidelity synthesis.
Catalog #
The 2 x Taq PCR Mix with MgCl2 is a premixed solution containing everything needed for a successful PCR reaction except specific primers and DNA templates. The mix includes high-quality recombinant Taq DNA polymerase, nucleotides, and magnesium in a PCR reaction buffer. For the reaction set-up add the PCR Mix (10 or 25 uL) to the primers, template, and water for the total reaction volume of 20 or 50 uL.