Cancer/Apoptosis Phospho-Specific Array
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Product Description
Cancer/Apoptosis Phospho-Specific Array includes 155 highly specific and well-characterized phosphorylation antibodies in the Cancer/Apoptosis pathway.
The arrays are printed on standard-size coated glass microscope slides and can be scanned on all microarray scanners that are compatible with 76 x 25 x 1 mm (3 in. x 1 in. x 1mm) slides.
Suitable Sample
Cultured Cells, Frozen Tissue, FFPE Tissue, Serum
Detection Method
GAL file
GenePix Array List File
Storage Instruction
Store at 4°C.
This product must be accompanied with Antibody Array Detection Kit ( AA0135) for use.
Protein Profiling
Publication Reference
Protein microarray for complex apoptosis monitoring of dysplastic oral keratinocytes in experimental photodynamic therapy.
Matei C, Tampa M, Caruntu C, Ion RM, Georgescu SR, Dumitrascu GR, Constantin C, Neagu M.
Biological Research 2014 Jul; 47(1):33.
Application:Array, Human, DOK cells.
Protein microarray for complex apoptosis monitoring of dysplastic oral keratinocytes in experimental photodynamic therapy.
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