Abnova exhibits at Molecular Med Tri-Con 2012 in San Francisco, USA

 Place: Moscone North Convention Center

Exhibit Dates: February 21 - 22, 2012

Abnova Booth # 526


Visit us at Abnova booth (No. 526)!





Abnova has established a comprehensive portfolio of fully integrated solutions to address the needs of the in vitro diagnostic (IVD) industry. Abnova provides its partners and customers access to the technologies, products, and services relating to circulating rare cells, circulating exosomes, and circulating cell-free RNA for early to metastatic to recurrent disease and treatment diagnosis, prediction, guidance, and monitoring. Abnova facility is for proprietary bioreagent and high-throughput automation development and manufacturing for clinical trials and IVD commercialization. (www.abnova.com)