Neihu, Taiwan (June 17, 2020)


Abnova announced today that Abnova and its partner Assurance Scientific Laboratories have gained FDA EUA approval for its COVID-19 viral extraction kit for clinical laboratory usage. Viral RNA extraction is a mandated procedure prior to the COVID-19 RT-PCR detection assay. Both Abnova and Assurance Scientific have established a standardized operating protocol of COVID-19 isolation, extraction, and identification for use under the clinical laboratory setting. Currently, majority of the COVID-19 viral testing in the US is being performed in the clinical laboratories under US CLIA certification as a high complexity test.


Prior to the EUA approval, Abnova has been supplying the general extraction kit to Assurance Scientific under a research use only (RUO) label. As a result of COVID-19 outbreak, Abnova and Assurance Scientific have worked closely together in the last three months to optimize the COVID-19 extraction and satisfy the preclinical and clinical testing required by the FDA EUA certification. The EUA approval has catapulted Assurance Scientific’s purchase order and Abnova’s sales of the COVID-19 viral extraction kit. Just this week, Abnova has captured the largest single order from Assurance Scientific with significant contribution to its revenue.


Abnova’s COVID-19 viral extraction kit is based on the principle of magnetic bead-based RNA extraction. The quality and purity of the RNA products are essential to the downstream RT-PCR assay for COVID-19 viral detection and identification. The RT-PCR assay has become a gold-standard test world-wide since the COVID-19 outbreak. Abnova and Assurance Scientific have been a long-term, collaborative partner in the extraction kits for multitude of applications. Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, Abnova’s kit was successfully applied, validated, and EUA-approved for COVID-19 RNA extraction.




Abnova has established a comprehensive portfolio of fully integrated solutions to address the needs of the in vitro diagnostic (IVD) industry. Abnova provides its partners and customers access to the technologies, products, and services relating to circulating rare cells, circulating exosomes, and circulating cell-free RNA for early to metastatic to recurrent disease and treatment diagnosis, prediction, guidance, and monitoring. Abnova facility is for proprietary bioreagent and high-throughput automation development and manufacturing for clinical trials and IVD commercialization. (