WISP1 polyclonal antibody

Catalog # PAB4835





Size:400 uL
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  • +1-909-264-1399
    Toll Free : +1-877-853-6098
  • +1-909-992-3401
Western Blot (Cell lysate)

Western Blot (Cell lysate)

Western blot analysis of HL-60 cell lysate (35 ug/lane) with WISP1 polyclonal antibody (Cat # PAB4835).

Immunohistochemistry (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections)

Immunohistochemistry (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections)

Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded human hepatocellular carcinoma tissue reacted with WISP1 polyclonal antibody (Cat # PAB4835) , which was peroxidase-conjugated to the secondary antibody, followed by DAB staining. This data demonstrates the use of this antibody for immunohistochemistry ; clinical relevance has not been evaluated. HC = hepatocarcinoma.

  • Specifications

    Product Description

    Rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against synthetic peptide of WISP1.


    A synthetic peptide (conjugated with KLH) corresponding to internal region of human WISP1.








    Protein G purification

    Recommend Usage

    ELISA (1:1000)
    Western Blot (1:100-500)
    Immunohistochemistry (1:50-100)
    The optimal working dilution should be determined by the end user.

    Storage Buffer

    In PBS (0.09% sodium azide)

    Storage Instruction

    Store at 4°C. For long term storage store at -20°C.
    Aliquot to avoid repeated freezing and thawing.


    This product contains sodium azide: a POISONOUS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE which should be handled by trained staff only.

  • Applications

    Western Blot (Cell lysate)

    Western blot analysis of HL-60 cell lysate (35 ug/lane) with WISP1 polyclonal antibody (Cat # PAB4835).

    Immunohistochemistry (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections)

    Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded human hepatocellular carcinoma tissue reacted with WISP1 polyclonal antibody (Cat # PAB4835) , which was peroxidase-conjugated to the secondary antibody, followed by DAB staining. This data demonstrates the use of this antibody for immunohistochemistry ; clinical relevance has not been evaluated. HC = hepatocarcinoma.

    Enzyme-linked Immunoabsorbent Assay

  • Gene Info — WISP1

    Entrez GeneID


    Protein Accession#


    Gene Name


    Gene Alias

    CCN4, WISP1c, WISP1i, WISP1tc

    Gene Description

    WNT1 inducible signaling pathway protein 1

    Omim ID


    Gene Ontology


    Gene Summary

    This gene encodes a member of the WNT1 inducible signaling pathway (WISP) protein subfamily, which belongs to the connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) family. WNT1 is a member of a family of cysteine-rich, glycosylated signaling proteins that mediate diverse developmental processes. The CTGF family members are characterized by four conserved cysteine-rich domains: insulin-like growth factor-binding domain, von Willebrand factor type C module, thrombospondin domain and C-terminal cystine knot-like domain. This gene may be downstream in the WNT1 signaling pathway that is relevant to malignant transformation. It is expressed at a high level in fibroblast cells, and overexpressed in colon tumors. The encoded protein binds to decorin and biglycan, two members of a family of small leucine-rich proteoglycans present in the extracellular matrix of connective tissue, and possibly prevents the inhibitory activity of decorin and biglycan in tumor cell proliferation. It also attenuates p53-mediated apoptosis in response to DNA damage through activation of the Akt kinase. It is 83% identical to the mouse protein at the amino acid level. Alternative splicing of this gene generates 2 transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq

    Other Designations

    WNT1 induced secreted protein 1|Wnt-1 inducible signaling pathway protein 1|wnt-1 signaling pathway protein 1

  • Interactomes
  • Diseases
  • Publication Reference
Contact Info
  • +1-909-264-1399
    Toll Free : +1-877-853-6098
  • +1-909-992-3401
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