AKT2 polyclonal antibody

Catalog # PAB9933





Size:100 ug
Price: USD $ 638.00
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Western Blot (Tissue lysate)

Western Blot (Tissue lysate)

Immunoblotting of AKT2 polyclonal antibody (Cat # PAB9933) to AKT2 was used at a 1 : 1,000 dilution to detect AKT2 by Western blot in lysates from mouse tissues.
The antibody is shown to react with AKT2 in mouse liver, skeletal muscle and fat using standard immunoblotting methods.

Western Blot (Cell lysate)

Western Blot (Cell lysate)

Immunoblotting of AKT2 polyclonal antibody (Cat # PAB9933) detects both unphosphorylated and phosphorylated AKT2.
As before approximately 20 mg/lane of crude HEK293 lysate was loaded for SDS-PAGE, separated and then transferred to nitrocellulose.
The right lane contains lysate pretreated for 15 min with 25 &mciro;M LY294002 which affects the phosphorylation of endogenous AKT2, but has no effect on phosphorylation of the myristoylated construct.
This antibody clearly detects both the phosphorylated (top arrow) and the non-phosphorylated (bottom arrow) forms of endogenous AKT2.

Western Blot (Transfected lysate)

Western Blot (Transfected lysate)

Immunoblotting of AKT2 polyclonal antibody (Cat # PAB9933) to AKT2 wasused at a 1 : 1,000 dilution to detect AKT2 by Western blot.
A lysate from a stable HEK293 cell line expressing an inducible, myristoylated form of AKT2 (MyrAKT2-ER) was loaded for SDS-PAGE, separated and then transferred to nitrocellulose.
The blot was reacted with primary antibody for 1h at room temperature.
Inresponse to 4OHT (tamoxifen), the AKT2 is recruited to the plasma membrane via its myristoylation sequence and becomes phosphorylated and activated.
The blot (right panel) shows 0 m, 15m, and 30 m of 4OHT treatment.
This treatment has no effect on endogenous AKT2, but causes a band shift upwards in the MyrAKT2.
Endogenous AKT2 runs at about 60 KDa whereas the myristoylated construct runs at around 110 KDa.

Contact Info
  • +1-909-264-1399
    Toll Free : +1-877-853-6098
  • +1-909-992-3401
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