
Cell-Surface Vimentin (CSV) Monoclonal Antibody

Vimentin, a 57kDa type III intermediate filament, is responsible for the architecture of cytoplasm.1 As a popular intracellular epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) marker, overexpression of vimentin in cancer cells is known for its high correlation to cancer progression. Apart from vimentin’s intracellular functions, recruitment of vimentin to the cell surface, also known as cell-surface vimentin (CSV), has been identified to mechanistically participate in cell adhesion, migration, and cellular signaling.2

The significance of CSV has been demonstrated in autoimmune disorders, viral infection, and cancer progression. Expression of CSV on activated macrophages, platelets, and apoptotic T lymphocytes evidenced its participation in human neutrophil spontaneous apoptosis and further corroborated its association with inflammatory diseases and signalings.3 As a putative anti-viral drug target, CSV takes part in viral multiplication by facilitating the internalization of virions.4 Furthermore, studies have identified CSV as cancer-specific EMT marker. CSV expression is shown to have correlated with metastatic phenotypes in aggressive cancer and sarcoma. Due to vimentin’s unique characteristics of translocating from intracellular to extracellular regions in cells undergoing EMT, detection and identifying cells expressing CSV demonstrated high specificity in isolating cancer cells.5,6,7 Recent advances explored the possibility of leveraging CSV’s distinctiveness in cancer therapy.8 CSV targeted therapy successfully increased caspase-3 activity and induced cancer cell apoptosis. With such a success and impact on the oncology community, clinical research advances in CSV study are expected to excel.

Abnova obtains worldwide exclusive license of the patented CSV monoclonal antibody, clone 84-1, from MD Anderson Cancer Center, United States. This antibody has been validated for its intended use in the majority of cancer cell lines by both immunofluorescence and flow cytometry.9 As a sole provider for this powerful tool, Abnova hopes to propel the investigations on cancer research with specificity and broad applicability.


CSV monoclonal antibody, clone 84-1 (H00007431-M08)


Characterizations of CSV

  • Expression of CSV in EMT cells
  • CSV expression profile in various cell lines
  • Cell surface staining of CSV
  • Flow Cytometry analysis of CSV on sarcoma, colorectal cancer, breast cancer and pancreatic cancer cells


Clinical Applications of CSV monoclonal antibody

Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) isolation using CytoQuest™ CR


Pancreatic Cancer
 Cell-Surface Vimentin as Novel Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Cancer Stem Cell Biomarkers for Pancreatic Cancer Circulating Tumor Cells
Ovarian Cancer
 Compare EpCAM PanCK and CSV CSV Antibody Capture and Detection of Ovarian Papillary Serous Cystadenocarcinoma
Prostate Cancer
 Cell-Surface Vimentin Transformed EMT CTCs and CSCs in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Lung Cancer
 Cell-Surface Vimentin and Pan Cytokeratin Positive Circulating Tumor Cells in Pleural Effusion of Lung Adenocarcinoma Patient
Glioblastoma Multiforme
 GFAP and EGFRvIII Detection of Glioblastoma Multiforme Circulating Tumor Cells Captured by Cell-Surface Vimentin Antibody
 Cell-Surface Vimentin Antibody for Postive Microfluidic Enrichment and Enumeration of Neuroblastoma CTCs and DTCs


Circulating Stem Cell (CSC) isolation using CytoQuest™ CR


Prostate Cancer
Cell-Surface Vimentin Transformed EMT CTCs and CSCs in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Glioblastoma Multiforme
 Isolation of DBA Positive Circulating Cancer Stem Cells in Glioblastoma Multiforme



Expression of CSV in EMT cells

Detection of CSV on Human Colorectal Cancer Cells
Circulating tumor cells derived from colorectal cancer patients were stained for nucleus (blue), cell surface vimentin (green,  H00007431-M08), and specific EMT biomarkers (red), including FOXC2, TWIST-2, SNAIL, SLUG, EpCAM, and E-cadherin6.



CSV expression profile in various cell lines

Cell Line


Cell Line


Cell Line


Breast Bone Liver 
MCF-7 (H) + OS-25 (H) ++ AMC14 (M) ++
SKBR3 (H) + HOS (H) ++ Colon 
MDA-MB-231 (H) + MG-263 (H) ++ DLD-1 (H) ++
MDA-MB-453 (H) + LM7 (H) + GEO (H) ++
MDA-MB-458 (H) ++ SAOS-2 (H) + OS-187 (H) ++
4T1 (M) + OS25 (H) + SW620 (H) +
Brain OS-O (H) ++ SW480 (H) +
SKNAS (H) ++ OS-D (H) + HCT-116 (H) +
SKNBE2 (H) +++ U2OS (H) + HT-29 (H) ++
NGP (H) + CCH-OSD (H) + Caco-2 (H) +
SH-SY5Y (H) ++ K7 (M) ++ CT-26 (M) +
LAN5 (H) ++ K7M2 (M) +++ Pancreas
KCN (H) + DUNN (M) + PANC-1 (H) ++
DBT (M) + LM8 (M) +++ MiaPACA-2 (H) +
U251 (H) + OST-DL-391 + Other
Bladder OST-DL-393 + FBL3 (M) +++
RT4V6 (H) + OST-DL-396a ++ SCCVII (M) +
T24 (H) ++        


Cell surface staining of CSV

Analysis of CSV-specific 84-1 monoclonal antibody

Cell surface staining of CSV in LM7 (osteosarcoma) cancer cell line using confocal microscopy. Cells were stained for CSV (green), WGA (red), and nucleus DRAQ5 (blue). CSV monoclonal antibody 84-1  (H00007431-M08) co-localized with WGA-indicated cell surface vimentin.5

Detection of CSV in HPC-1-derived Spheres on Geltrex-coated Wells

Vimentin (green, H00007431-M08) was detected at the periphery of a 3-dimensional HPC-derived sphere model. Since cells at the periphery were more aggressive, the invasive phenotype correlated with increased nuclear accumulation of β-catenin (red).6



Flow Cytometry analysis of CSV on sarcoma, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, and pancreatic cancer cells

CSV_Flow3.gif (20 KB)

CSV Expression in Cancer Cell Lines

Immunological assessment of CSV in various cancer cell lines and normal cell lines using flow cytometry in which only cancer cells, including GEO (colorectal cancer), MDA-MB-231 (breast cancer), and PANC-1 (pancreatic cancer) can be detected by CSV, 84-1 (H00007431-M08)6.


CSV_Flow.gif (20 KB)

CSV Expression in Sarcoma Cell Lines

Immunological assessment of CSV in various cancer cell lines and normal cell lines using flow cytometry in which only cancer cells, including SKNBE-2 (neuroblastoma), RH-41 (rhabdomyosarcoma) and LM7 (osteosarcoma) can be detected by CSV, 84-1 (H00007431-M08)5.


CSV_Flow2.gif (12 KB)

Sorting of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells (HCC)

Stem-cell liked cancer cell populations, csVim+ CD133- and csVim- CD133+, were isolated and sorted into sub-G1, G1, S and G2 phases from primary HCC using CSV, 84-1 (H00007431-M08)7.




  1. Mitra, A. and Li, S. (2014). J Cancer Prev Curr Res. DOI: 10.15406/jcpcr.2014.01.00014
  2. Satelli, A. and Li, S. (2011). Cell Mol Life Sci. DOI: 10.1007/s00018-011-0735-1
  3. Moisan, E. and Girard, D. (2005). JLB. DOI:10.1189/jlb.0405190
  4. Yu, YT., et. al. (2016). Journal of Biomedical Science. DOI: 10.1186/s12929-016-0234-7
  5. Satelli A., et al. (2014). Cancer Research. DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-13-1739.
  6. Satelli A., et al. (2014). Clinical Cancer Research. DOI:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-14-0894.
  7. Mitra, A., et al. (2015). IJC. DOI:10.1002/ijc.29382.
  8. Noh H. et al. (2016). Oncotarget DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.12458.
  9. Satelli A. (2014). WIPO. WO 2014/138183 A1.


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