GGA3 polyclonal antibody

Catalog # PAB10050





Size:100 ug
Price: USD $ 638.00
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    Toll Free : +1-877-853-6098
  • +1-909-992-3401
Western Blot (Transfected lysate)

Western Blot (Transfected lysate)

Western blot using GGA3 polyclonal antibody (Cat # PAB10050) shows detection of aband at ~110 KDa corresponding to GFP-GGA3 fusion protein present in a lysate of HEK293 cellsover- expressing the recombinant protein (Lane 2, arrowhead).
Pre-incubation of antibody with immunizing peptide blocks specific staining (lane3).
MW markers are shown in lane 1 (700 nm channel, red).
Approximately 35 ug of lysate was separated on a 16% Tricine gel by SDS-PAGE and transferred onto nitrocellulose.
After blocking the membrane was probed with the primary antibody diluted to 1:600.
Reaction occurred overnight at 4°C followed by washes and reaction with a 1 : 10,000 dilution of IRDye™800 conjugated Gt-a-Rabbit IgG [H&L] for 45 min at room temperature (800 nm channel, green).
IRDye™800 fluorescence image was captured using the Odyssey® Infrared Imaging System developed byLI-COR.
IRDye is a trademark of LI-COR, Inc.

  • Specifications

    Product Description

    Rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against synthetic peptide of GGA3.


    A synthetic peptide corresponding to amino acids 400-415 of human GGA3.




    Human, Macaque, Orangutan


    The immunizing sequence is present on both the long (isoform 1) and short (isoform 2) transcript variants for this protein.



    Quality Control Testing

    Antibody Reactive Against Synthetic Peptide.

    Recommend Usage

    ELISA (1:10000-1:50000)
    Western Blot (1:500-1:3000)
    The optimal working dilution should be determined by the end user.

    Storage Buffer

    In 20 mM KH2PO4, 150 mM NaCl, pH 7.2 (0.01% sodium azide)

    Storage Instruction

    Store at 4°C. For long term storage store at -20°C.
    Aliquot to avoid repeated freezing and thawing.


    This product contains sodium azide: a POISONOUS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE which should be handled by trained staff only.

  • Applications

    Western Blot (Transfected lysate)

    Western blot using GGA3 polyclonal antibody (Cat # PAB10050) shows detection of aband at ~110 KDa corresponding to GFP-GGA3 fusion protein present in a lysate of HEK293 cellsover- expressing the recombinant protein (Lane 2, arrowhead).
    Pre-incubation of antibody with immunizing peptide blocks specific staining (lane3).
    MW markers are shown in lane 1 (700 nm channel, red).
    Approximately 35 ug of lysate was separated on a 16% Tricine gel by SDS-PAGE and transferred onto nitrocellulose.
    After blocking the membrane was probed with the primary antibody diluted to 1:600.
    Reaction occurred overnight at 4°C followed by washes and reaction with a 1 : 10,000 dilution of IRDye™800 conjugated Gt-a-Rabbit IgG [H&L] for 45 min at room temperature (800 nm channel, green).
    IRDye™800 fluorescence image was captured using the Odyssey® Infrared Imaging System developed byLI-COR.
    IRDye is a trademark of LI-COR, Inc.


    Enzyme-linked Immunoabsorbent Assay

  • Gene Info — GGA3

    Entrez GeneID


    Protein Accession#


    Gene Name


    Gene Alias


    Gene Description

    golgi associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 3

    Omim ID


    Gene Ontology


    Gene Summary

    This gene encodes a member of the Golgi-localized, gamma adaptin ear-containing, ARF-binding (GGA) family. This family includes ubiquitous coat proteins that regulate the trafficking of proteins between the trans-Golgi network and the lysosome. These proteins share an amino-terminal VHS domain which mediates sorting of the mannose 6-phosphate receptors at the trans-Golgi network. They also contain a carboxy-terminal region with homology to the ear domain of gamma-adaptins. Alternative splicing of this gene results in two transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq

    Other Designations

    ADP-ribosylation factor binding protein 3|Golgi-localized, gamma ear-containing, ARF-binding protein 3

  • Interactomes
  • Pathways
  • Publication Reference
Contact Info
  • +1-909-264-1399
    Toll Free : +1-877-853-6098
  • +1-909-992-3401
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